5:2輕斷食法最初是由英國醫生Dr. Michael Mosley提出。他建議一星期有5天可以"正常"飲食,其剩的2天則要進行輕斷食,即是斷食當天只進食500-600千卡熱量。哪麼500-600千卡的食物有多少?其實半份火腿蛋三文治及1杯鮮榨橙汁已約含500千卡熱量,故難以在斷食當天攝取足夠的維生素及礦物質。另外,由於進食量較少,故容易出現低血糖的情況,會較易無精神、集中力也不足;如當天的運動量較大,更有機會易暈呢!
回覆刪除keto zone Chronic cardio also raises cortisol levels. This stress hormone slows fat loss. Don’t use this as an excuse to ditch cardio - taking a jog a few times a week is properly healthy. Just don’t spend 45 a few minutes each day on the treadmill if you don't are finding your way through a PT test. Sleep is in which a most fat muscle and reduction building takes place. If you aren’t sleeping more than enough, cortisol amounts will rise. When your body is usually chronically stressed, it shall think an emergency is imminent and retain fat shops for that emergency. Do everything in your capacity to reach least seven hours of rest every day. If you need to lose fat, sleep is not something you can just hope to get more than enough of or catch through to later. You need to make getting constant quality sleep important. If you are functioning nights and sleep can be an issue, try incorporating blackout shades, use naps before your shift, or try a magnesium dietary supplement before bed.